
Vivaldi red priest
Vivaldi red priest

The fanciful titles of some of his concertos gave Vivaldi plenty of opportunity for descriptive writing.

vivaldi red priest

In all Vivaldi wrote well over 200 violin concertos, around 27 cello concertos, around a dozen for flute, three for piccolo, 20 for oboe, 37 for bassoon (an instrument for which few other composers have written concertos), and many more double and multiple concertos, of which the E minor concerto for four violins, Op.

vivaldi red priest

He had already begun to write concertos, which became his favorite medium.

vivaldi red priest

His initial appointment lasted six years, during which time he published a set of 12 trio sonate da camera and a set of solo violin sonatas. Vivaldi was required to teach and rehearse the students and to maintain the instruments. Music was held in high esteem there, and its reputation was such that many leading performers took part in its concerts. In the year of his ordination, Vivaldi was appointed violin teacher at the Conservatorio dell'Ospedale della Pietà, a Venetian orphanage which housed and educated young girls. He was ordained in 1703, and his startling red hair earned him the nickname of il prete rosso (the Red Priest), but the ecclesiastical life did not entirely suit him, and several times he found himself at odds with the church authorities. In 1693 he began to train for the priesthood, while still living at home and continuing his violin studies. Vivaldi was born (during a minor earthquake) in Venice, to a baker turned professional violinist, with whom the young Antonio studied. But many other gems of Vivaldi's output are worth exploring: he was one of the most prolific and influential composers of his time, and without his contribution to the development of concerto form, the instrumental music of later composers such as Bach would have been the poorer. For many people, the name Vivaldi is associated with just one piece of music – Le quattro stagioni ( The Four Seasons) – which has been recorded countless times. Antonio Vivaldi was an Italian violinist and prolific composer in the Baroque era.

Vivaldi red priest